Pardon our dust! We are currently improving our facility to meet your needs even better!

GRMC Foundation
The Graham Hospital Foundation was created in 1997 to perform charitable activities for the exclusive use, benefit, and support of Graham Regional Medical Center.
Since its inception, this foundation has raised millions of dollars to improve the facility of Graham Regional Medical Center.
Phase I began in 1997 to renovate a major portion of the hospital, including the emergency room, surgery suite, radiology, and in-house CT scanner, Laboratory, Lobby, and Specialist Clinic. Funds for the $6 million project were raised by the Foundation. The project was completed in October of 1999.
Contributions, memorials, and honorariums are always welcomed. Your tax-deductible gift may be sent to Graham Hospital Foundation PO Box 1390 Graham, TX 76450
Foundation Members:
Michelle McGee - President
Sylvia Overton – Vice President
Caroline Boyd – Treasurer
Tammy Whittenburg – Secretary
Tonya Weatherman
Shane Kernell
Questions or Comments? Please contact us at 940-521-5302 or at